Charlotte Catholic High: Part Deux

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The soap opera-like saga of Charlotte Catholic High and its less than catholic students, parents and administration.

The meeting the school had as a follow up last week to the drama surrounding Nashville Dominican  Sr Jane Dominic Laurel’s orthodox talk on the natural use of the marital faculty by one man-one woman marriage has not abated.


The local ordinary, Bishop Jugis, in consistent form, has remained on the sidelines, and for the most part silent. Total lack of spiritual direction and leadership.

Southern Orders blog give us more to digest, calling it a fair and balanced report:

Click here for their insight…

There is more afoot now, with some groups trying to show support for Sr Jane Dominic, in a much more Christian and surprising way than the heteroxody and heretical manifestations in Charlotte.


If you wish to send a note of support to Sr Jane Dominic, please do so here…

Sister Jane Dominic Laurel, OP
St Cecilia Motherhouse
801 Dominican Drive
Nashville, TN  37208

ESH says stay tuned!

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