Darn tootin’!

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The marxist pretender to the throne has once again proven EastSideHunky correct: he is the most extreme abortoholic “president” in the nation’s history.

During the 2008 election season, PFLI and other entities clearly documented how extreme Barrie Hussein Soetero–his used name during his 4 years in Indonesia at a Mohammedan madras school–was as a state senator and as a US senator, despite how short the latter was before running for president.

In a speech this past week to a fundraiser crowd in St Louis, Barrie respond to some ruckus calls for mandated steroidal abortifacients at no copay under ObamaCare with an affirmative “you’re darn tootin’!” rejoinder.

Let the reader judge for “hisself”…



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