42 botched abortions by mifepristone in Ohio…

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Well, it may not have the ring of a Crosby, Stills and Nash song from the 1970s, but it rings even louder because it is volumes more than 4 dead in Ohio.

It was recently unreported in the drive by state run media that just in the past year, there are AT LEAST 42 cases on Ohio of botched chemical abortions by the French wonder drug mifepristone [Mifeprex, sometimes by its antiquated name ‘RU 486‘].

Reports Cincinnati RTL:

“Recently, Ohio Right to Life, via a public records request, obtained 42 reports of botched [mifepristone] attempts in Ohio. Several involved moderate to severe bleeding and included incidences of hematometra (an accumulation of blood in the uterus). Thirty-five total cases involved incomplete abortions. Women were required to return to the abortion clinic to have the abortions completed surgically.”

In 2004, the Ohio Legislature passed a law [sponsored by former Rep. Tom Brinkman] requiring that physicians comply with FDA guidelines for mifepristone. The law remains embroiled in the courts because of challenges brought by Klan Parenthood of Southwest Ohio. In October 2012, a panel of the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the 2004 Ohio law.  Klan Parenthood of Ohio has since challenged the decision, asking for reconsideration.

Mifepristone has already killed fourteen women and injured more than 2,000 women in the US.

Wonder if this was any other drug that the FDA would already be flashing the lights and recalling it? When will the Kenyan kommie stop his war on women and babies?

Or if it was compounded to treat a genuine disease by a specialty pharmacy that the DEA, DOJ, inter alia, would have already performed an excision raid and emptied out the inventory in these Houses of Horror in Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati? Maybe they’re busy having a Gosnell moment?



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