
March for Life 2016 ignores REAL science, embraces faux facts again

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March for Life 2016, like many pro life groups, seems to embrace faux science, even in the face of repetitive fraternal corrections, says Prof. Dianne Irving, in her recent piece discussing the matter. It is not a matter of not knowing, but rather choosing to embrace outdated or ill informed statements that have no bearing in scientific data.

One such phrase that drives ESH up a wall is “from conception to natural death”, often quoted by religious and pro-life sources, which is prima faciae a gross scientific untruth. Such a phrase rules out defending the right to life of babies conceived by artificial means (e.g. IVF, ART, et alia) and natural means (e.g. twinning in the womb of identical twins).

Read Irving’s well elucidated truth in the link above and…PLEASE…stop using faux science and calling it pro life.

Klan Barrenhood sign comes toppling down; CPC takes over killing center

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Featured Image

The former Planned Parenthood abortion facility where Abby Johnson once worked as director is now a pro-life haven for women in crisis pregnancy.

The facility is now aptly named, “Hope.” It celebrated its grand opening earlier this month.

Read more about it here….way to go to all the TX prolifers making this happen!

Another money laundering scheme for #KlanBarrenhood, DNC

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Here’s a great money report on how fund sent to Klan Barrenhood, over $500 million of it in taxpayer money, ends up supporting abortohilic Dems or opposing pro-life Republicans.

Sickening. It’s a money laundering scheme, akin to the union “dues” that heavily flow back to pro-union Dems:



Planned Parenthood finances campaigns of all but one Senator who voted against defunding

According to publicly available federal campaign donation records, every single Senator who voted not to defund Planned Parenthood, except one, has been awarded money from the abortion giant.

In order to fund nearly every Democrat in the U.S. Senate who voted against defunding Planned Parenthood, the Planned Parenthood Action Fund (PPA) and Planned Parenthood Votes (PPV), have spent $1,609,498. Roughly 2/3 of this money was spent in 2012 alone.
“Planned Parenthood Action Fund”
Senatorial Campaign Contributions:

(Dated: 1998-June 2015)
Murray (D-WA) – $29,282
Shaheen (D-NH) – $26,000
Boxer (D-CA) – $25,702
Udall (D-NM) – $22,500
Schumer (D-NY) – $20,985
Peters (D-MI) – $20,926
Gillibrand (D-NY) – $19,825
Merkley (D-OR) – $19,762
Stabenow (D-MI) – $19,035
Franken (D-MN) – $19,000
Kirk (R-IL) – $18,000
Baldwin (D-WI) – $16,000
Markey (D-MA) – $15,535
Menendez (D-NJ) – $15,016
Tester (D-MT) – $15,000
Brown (D-OH) – $14,380
Carper (D-DE) – $14,000
Durbin (D-IL) – $14,000
Mikulski (D-MD) – $12,035
Coons (D-DE) – $11,610
Nelson (D-FL) – $11,000
Reed (D-RI) – $10,500
Cantwell (D-WA) – $10,000
Feinstein (D-CA) – $10,000
Heinrich (D-NM) – $10,000
Wyden (D-OR) – $9,535
Warner (D-VA) – $9,000
McCaskill (D-MO) – $8,803
Blumenthal (D-CT) – $8,740
Cardin (D-MD) – $8,535
Hirono (D-HI) – $8,500
Murphy (D-CT) $7,911
Schatz (D-HI) – $7,500
Klobuchar (D-MN) – $7,000
Whitehouse (D-RI) – $7,000
Sanders (I-VT) – $6,535
Booker (D-NJ) – $6,000
Casey (D-PA) – $5,000
Bennet (D-CO) – $4,750
Warren (D-MA) – $3,500
Leahy (D-VT)- $2,500
Heitkamp (D-ND) – $2,396
Kaine (D-VA) – $845
Reid (D-NV) – $824
“Planned Parenthood Votes”
Expenditures in Support of Senators or in Opposition to Their Opponents:

(Dated 2012-2013)
Baldwin (D-WI) – $144,058 (2012)
Kaine (D-VA) – $114,615 (2012)
Markey (D-MA) – $62,818 (2013)
Tester (D-MT) – $55,165 (2012)
Brown (D-OH) – $52,003 (2012)
McCaskill (D-MO) – $32,520 (2012)
Murphy (D-CT) – $31,057 (2012)
Rehberg (Tester (D-MT)) – $351,996 (2012)
Allen (Kaine (D-VA)) – $113,176 (2012)
Akin (McCaskill (D-MO)) – $67,316 (2012)
Thompson (Baldwin (D-WI)) – $49,807 (2012)

Video 7: more intact part$ mean$ more $$$; contact Janko Kasich today!

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This video is pretty graphic and shows how depraved these soulless ghouls are. #DefundKlanBarrenhood #PPSellsBabyParts

From Greater Cincinnati RTL release today:

“The Center for Medical Progress has released its seventh video, entitled Human Capital – Episode 3: Planned Parenthood’s Custom Abortions for a Superior Product. Featured is a former StemExpress procurement technician describing abortion of intact babies bodies, then dissected for sale and distribution for research.

“Planned Parenthood abortionists manipulate babies before abortion so that they are aborted as complete as possible,” said Paula Westwood, Executive Director, Right to Life of Greater Cincinnati. “Some of these helpless intact babies still have a beating heart–the universal sign of life–but are still cut into pieces, while Planned Parenthood is treated as a legitimate healthcare provider.”

Contact Ohio Governor John “Janko” Kasich to end all tax funding (our money) to Planned Parenthood immediately; phone: 614/466-3555.”

And tell Croatian Janko Kasich, a fallen away Catholic,  to put up or shut up saying he’s pro-life and quoting Matthew 25 when it suits his politics. Please remind him he should appoint pro-life people to the state boards of pharmacy, medicine, nursing, etc, as these boards that he appoints are already loaded with people supporting the contraceptive/abortion mentality. We need equal time.
And also ask Janko to stop blocking passage and signing of the Heartbeat Bill while he’s at it.

Boycott United Way: #DefundKlanBarrenhood

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You work hard for your zlotys. It takes prudence and discernment when and how much to contribute to your fave charities.

So, do the same when you donate to any of the usual fall campaigns, especially those promoted or pushed by your employer. This time of year, it’s United Way for many corporations and the Combined Federal Campaign for governmental employees.

You can do the alternate and ask that any donation be given 100% to PFLI, a total protection 100% pro-life group of devoted pharmacists, technicians and lay people who operate as all volunteers on a shoestring budget. Contact PFLI for more info.

Do the diced, sliced and minced aborted babies a favor. Boycott United Way this year. You have lots of reasons to do so. I’ll let Students For Life ‘splain it from their recent email letter:


“This week the U.S. Senate failed our nation, failed our children and families and made an embarrassment out of a government that is sworn to protect the right to life. They failed to defund Planned Parenthood. In fact, 40 Senators voted to keep sending over half a billion dollars to Planned Parenthood, who has been caught on video haggling over the price of baby body parts and talking about how to skirt the law that bans the selling of these baby body parts.

You may be asking yourself, what can I do? Or you may have participated in one of the 65+ #WomenBetrayed rallies last week and want to do more to defund Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood gets close to 46% of its total revenue from the government (aka taxpayers) and we are working hard to stop that money from ever going into Planned Parenthood’s bank account again. But did you know that Planned Parenthood gets a quarter of its revenue from corporations and other organizations?

One specific organization – United Way – sends almost $2 million every year to Planned Parenthood through 67 of their affiliates. They say that the money goes towards education inside of Planned Parenthood.
Oh really? You can’t just donate to Planned Parenthood and say your donation is earmarked for utilities or staff or paper clips but not abortion. The building and the staff and the utilities all contribute in some way to abortion and are involved it.

Any money whatsoever going to Planned Parenthood in any way contributes to the more than 327,000 abortions they commit every year and the harvesting and selling of the body parts of aborted babies.

Students for Life of America and LifeSiteNews have partnered together to launch Boycott United Way in efforts to put pressure on the organization to stop funding Planned Parenthood all together.

You can send an email directly to the president of United Way at www.boycottunitedway.org and ask him to stop funding Planned Parenthood right now.

Two million dollars is a lot of money. We have to stop every cent from going to Planned Parenthood. They are the nation’s abortion giant, doing one of every three abortions – and selling who knows how many baby body parts.

At www.boycottUnitedWay.org, you can also contact each individual United Way affiliate and demand they stop sending money to Planned Parenthood.

United Way does a lot of good but Planned Parenthood was caught selling the body parts of aborted babies for profit. These are the most vulnerable in our society. If we allow for this kind of atrocity, what does that say about the state of this country, about the state of our souls as human beings that we would allow a baby to be aborted and sold piece by piece?

Go to www.boycottUnitedWay.org now and send a letter to the president of United Way demanding they stop funding Planned Parenthood now.

For Life,

Kristan Hawkins
President, Students for Life of America


Students for Life of America
9900 Courthouse Road
Spotsylvania, Virginia 22553
Office: 540.834.4600″

Flashback 2012: Korea seizes “aphrodisiac” pills with aborted baby parts

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Think the soulless ghouls at #KlanBarrenhood are a new phenomenon? No, they antedate Kermit Gosnell. ESH has been reporting on the merchants of baby body parts for 30+ years.

Case in point, here’s a 2012 story on Korea seizing “aphrodisiac” pills made in China by the commie government out of minced aborted baby body parts.

These monsters need to be #prosecuted and #jailed. Read it here….

Ghouls violate law selling baby parts without mothers’ consent

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It’s a sick, sick world in the land of soulless ghouls involved in Abortoholism, where they violate multiple laws, rip babies from their mothers’ wombs and sell the body parts like chattel.

There’s hue and outcry over Cecil the Lion, who’s fatherless cub was killed now by a rival male lion. But none for the millions of babies shred and sold like a slave at the market. The dripping hypocrisy of the left is telling and will leave many to be judged and judged harshly by the Pantocrator in due time.

Here’s the 6th and latest video from the Center for Medical Progress on #KlanBarrenhood and their gruesome continuing satanic story:

ESH strongly encourages all readers to join enmasse to #DefundKlanBarrenhood. #PPSellsBabyParts.

The big national rally protest against #KlanBarrenhood will be Saturday, August 22.  People will be participating in over 180 cities.

Do try to join in your locale. For more info, see here….

Klan Barrenhood cries foul after expose video #2 shows selling “crunchy” baby parts for Lamborghini

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Selling “crunchy” baby body parts so a medical director can buy a Lamborghini? The largest domestic terrorist group is crying foul.

It is readily apparent that the cries of Klan Barrenhood about being persecuted for 10 years by peaceful, prayerful, non violent pro-lifers ring hollow to anyone paying minimal attention to the abortion wars.

Pharmer puts it well this way:

“…Let the public be reminded that Planned Parenthood has been harassing pharmacists for 15 years or more, in an attempt to force the pro-lifers to dispense abortifacient drugs, with their efforts leading to success in a number of states. In fact, Planned Parenthood of Southwestern Ohio intervened directly in the employment lawsuit between this pharmacist and K Mart way back in 2001, in order to delay  the inevitable outcome…”

They were also active behind the scenes in the persecution of IL pharmacists by the convict Rod “Slobodan” Blagojevich going back to at least 2005. “Slobodan” worked with Walgreens executives to harrass and fired pharmacists with a conscience–sometimes during the overnight graveyard shift–as he had the IL assembly pass an illegal act, later overturned by all competent courts on the matter. Even a  diktat from a felon Serbian ex-governor does not trump civil and religious rights of pharmacists in the workplace. PP was right there, egging Blago on.

Says Pharmer in the same piece: “Planned Parenthood has been attacking pro-life  health care professionals and Crisis Pregnancy Centers for decades.” Let’s not forget their role in various states working to illegally strip the rights of religion and conscience for pharmacists and other health professionals, as well as harassing CPCs, as they did in CT and NY under Client #9, the ex-gov. and ex-AG Sidney Blumenthal.

Have a look see…

Abortifacients OTC: GOP wants them, Dems, PP fighting agin them

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In a wierd volte face, the GOP is fighting and clawing for OTC abortifacients (e.g. the Pill, Plan B, etc) and the Dems and Klan Barrenhood–the largest domestic terrorist group–are fighting AGAINST the measure. At least as far as who will pay for these carcinogenic abortifacients.

Naturally Sen Patty Murray (D-WA) and fellow abortoholics want more dead preborn babies and more womyn polluting their bodies with these high dose steroids. And GOP members led by some rookies like Cory Gardner (R-CO) and the two NC senators, are all for it, but not on the Obamacare ATM ride. Gardner, in fact, ran on the issue in his run last year for the Senate

Go figure!


The bill upholds requirements in the Affordable Care Act mandating access to prescription birth control covered by insurance companies, so over-the-counter birth control would be covered without new costs.

“I believe strongly that women should be able to get the comprehensive health care they need when they need it, without being charged extra, without asking permission and without politicians interfering,” Murray said.

So do Republicans, according to Sen. Cory Gardner, R-Colo., who unveiled a GOP proposal late last month that also aims to make birth control pills available without a prescription. The bill makes good on a campaign pledge by Gardner in his successful election against incumbent Democratic Sen. Mark Udall. The race focused almost singularly on women’s health care and reproductive rights.

Gardner’s bill would allow for over-the-counter birth control, and includes a proposal that would allow women to pay for it through health savings accounts. Gardner’s bill would put an age restriction for access to adults 18 years and above; Murray’s plan has no age restrictions.


This will mean more chemical abortions, more womyn contracting various cancers from these toxic steroids, and more health care costs related to the hundreds of side effects that womyn suffer from these abortifacients. And if approved, that will mean less follow up and care for womyn procuring these carcinogens OTC.

Way to go, GOP!



Fr Nicholas Gruner, +Requiescat in Pace

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Please pray for the repose of the soul of this saintly priest who took his vows quite seriously, and worked tirelessly–at the cost of much calumny and vituperation against his person–for the Message of Our Lady of Fatima of repentance and conversion, and the still-to-be-performed consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by the Holy Father in unison with all the world’s bishops at the same time.

He never enriched himself from his aposolate and lived ascetically by today’s materialistic standards by many religious.
He was devoted to the Immemorial Tridentine Rite Mass as he progressed in years.  He was fearless against attacks by enemies of the Faith, the Church and Our Lady, to Whom he was assiduously devoted.

ESH was fortunate to meet Fr Gruner several times, either at his own Center’s conferences or at one of the many times he spoke at Human Life International conferences.

Requiescat in pace!

Catholic Family News

from Catholic Family News editor John Vennari…

Father Nicholas Gruner
Requiescat in pace

By now you probably heard about the sudden death of Father Nicholas Gruner. He died of an apparent heart attack on April 29 around 7:00 pm while working at his office in Fort Erie.

Father Gruner was truly the world expert on Fatima. I can say this as one who worked closely with him for over 20 years. He was more knowledgeable on this subject, and on the true nature of the Fatima Message than anyone else. His devotion to Our Lady was strong and genuine.

Please remember Father Gruner in your prayers, a good personal friend and true Catholic Crusader.

In the Immaculate Heart,

John Vennari

Below is the announcement from the Fatima Center:

Rest in Peace
Father Nicholas Gruner

May 4, 1942 — April 29, 2015

The Management Team of the Fatima Center sadly announces the death of Father Nicholas Gruner, who passed away suddenly this evening.

Father died at his office, working to his last breath on the goals to which he dedicated his 38 years in the priesthood — the promotion of the Message of Fatima, especially the release of the full Third Secret and the Consecration of Russia to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart.

Details concerning the wake/visitation and funeral for Father will be announced in the upcoming days. For now, in your charity, please pray for Father and for his Apostolate, which will continue to seek to bring his life’s work to a successful conclusion.

Please click here for both video and information on funeral…
(Funeral Mass to be held in Niagara Falls this Saturday)

It make take another 10 years: Imposing THEIR immorality on you

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We all know from expeirence in the abortion wars, that the abortoholics–those lovers of killing innocent preborn babies with glee but recoiling at, say, killing a caribou to survive–have wanted to impose THEIR immorality on the rest of normal, life loving everyday folks.

They did so in 1973 with the twin abortion decisions of Roe v Wade and Doe v Bolton. They did so with the 1963 Griswold v Connecticut “contraceptive” decision. And with many other lawsuits, to many to mention.

With Obamacare, socialized medicine, they want to ram “contraception” and abortion down everyone’s throat, to like it, AND to pay for it. Without apologies. Although some of those impositions are being rolled back–5 decisions now have upheld conscience religious rights of employers and others–many have not. And that doesn’t include at least 38 instances where the Kenyan kommie has rewritten Obamacare rules on his own, by fiat, by his diktat.

Count on it soon: as part of the Kenyan kommie’s war on Christianity and life, it will soon be mandated: kill or get out of pharmacy or medicine. Period.

See here to get an idea where this is heading. It’s parallel twin evil is making sodomites mainstream, loveless sewer “luv” without the requisite propagation of human life as happens with normal marriage within the institution meant only for one man, one woman.

We can look to a famous propagandist for his view on rights of conscience for health professionals:

KS first state to ban dismemberment abortions

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ESH’s only question is: why did it take so long for the 1st state to ban muitilating the murdered preborn baby? Where is OH on this with the RINO governor John Kasich, who won’t even push for the Heartbeat Bill in its second go around? Putz!

Gov. Sam Brownback tweeted that he was proud to sign the law.

God bless Gov Sam Brownback (formerly Senator from KS)…he later tweeted he was proud to sign this bill. Taking notes, Kasich?

From CNA report:

Kansas became on Tuesday the first state to ban abortions by a procedure known as “dilation and evacuation,” which is common during second-trimester abortions and is called “dismemberment abortion” in the law.

Local pro-life advocates say the legislation is an opportunity to save the unborn from a horrific procedure, while providing a model for other states.

“Some states have to take the lead. We’re proud to be one of those states,” Kathy Ostrowski, legislative director of Kansans for Life, told CNA April 8. “With very solid, carefully constructed laws I think we really can make a difference.”

The procedure is used in about 600 abortions in Kansas annually, about nine percent of all abortions performed there, the Topeka Capital-Journal reports.

Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback on April 7 said he was proud to sign a bill that protects life “at its most vulnerable stage,” and noted bipartisan support for the bill.

The legislation, known as the Unborn Child Protection from Dismemberment Abortion Act, bans physicians from “knowingly dismembering a living unborn child and extracting such unborn child one piece at a time from the uterus through the use of clamps, grasping forceps, tongs, scissors or similar instruments that… grasp a portion of the unborn child’s body in order to cut or rip it off.”

The law contains an exemption for medical emergencies or when a pregnant woman’s life is in danger. It also makes clear that a woman who seeks a dismemberment abortion is not liable under law.

The law allows civil action against physicians who perform dismemberment abortions in violation of the law.

Michael Schuttloffel, executive director of Kansas Catholic Conference, said the conference is “very, very pleased” to put a stop to the procedure in Kansas.

“We’d like to see other states follow our lead,” he told CNA.

The Kansas House of Representatives passed the bill by a vote of 98-26, while the Senate passed the bill by a vote of 31-9.

Planned Parenthood Advocates of Kansas and Mid-Missouri, the local affiliate of the largest abortion provider in the U.S., said April 7 the law was “atrocious,” claiming that Kansas “continues to be an outlier on issues both fiscal and social.” It said the law denied health care access to women and hindered their ability to make decisions.

Schuttloffel lamented that the bill was necessary and that some people still opposed the law.

“It just defies belief that people would publicly get up and insist that people in Kansas be allowed to rip the arms and legs off of unborn children,” he said.

He thought the abortion debate had become “disconnected from the reality of abortion” and legislation like the Kansas law can “help shock people out of complacency.” He said that even many pro-life Kansans couldn’t believe the procedure was happening in their state.

“When it comes to this particular kind of abortion, people needed to hear exactly what was being done and what was being done: second trimester babies, we’re talking three, four, five months along in pregnancy, were being torn apart, limb from limb,” Schuttloffel continued. “There’s evidence that suggests the unborn child feels pain at that point. It’s just horrific.”

In Ostrowski’s view, the U.S. Supreme Court has indicated such bills should be passed.

The court, in 2007’s Gonzales v. Carhart, described the type of late-term abortion involved as “brutal,” and found that the state has an interest in both protecting the integrity of the medical profession and “to show its profound respect for the life within the woman.”

She said Kansas is a “very pro-life state,” with over 50 locations supporting pregnant women who have complications or who lack family support.

“We’re bringing people into the pro-life movement. And now we’re passing laws with an excellent state legislature and a pro-life governor.”

Other states with this kind of climate and pro-life support should pass these laws, Ostrowski said.

The Oklahoma legislature is considering a similar bill, as are Missouri and South Carolina.

Clintonista threaten drive by media Soviet-style

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Polarizing, calculating, disingenuous, insincere, ambitious, inevitable, entitled, over confident...

There…ESH has called Hilary the Horrible all that and a bag of chips!

The Clintonista handlers have threatened the leftist NY Times and other drive by state run media with the worst of deaths if they use these words. Soviet-style. It would make the mafia blush.


This is how leftists work, trying to supress free speech and the markeplace of ideas and opinions for those who would dare to disagree with them over the Benghazi killer. The Whitewater queen. The handler of Bimbo eruptions. She, who has selective memories when they are discomforting. Who took off from the White House in 2001 with thousands of dollars of furniture paid for by the sucker American taxpayer.

“We will be watching, reading, listening and protesting coded sexism,” the pro-Hillary group HRC Super Volunteers warned The New York Times’ Amy Chozick Wednesday.

HRC Super Volunteers have been laying in wait for Clinton to announce her long anticipated, not so secret candidacy for Prez, with one organizer of the independent group boasting to colleagues that “our supervols tended to be more loyal to HRC than hired staff who worried about getting a job after the campaign. I think back to the staff party in Denver when me, Ahmed, and another top vol were the only ones with Hillary buttons.”

On gard! Be prepared for the HRC war on womyn!

More Lenten opps: Help PFLI donate vitamins, supplies to women in crisis pregnancies

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Show you care about women in a crisis pregnancy who are trying to do the right thing for their preborn babies; donate to the PFLI GoFundMe campaign today…any amount is gratefully appreciated!

Pharmacists For Life International is the only pharmacy association which is exclusively 100% total protection pro-life, something no other pharmacy organization can say (or would have the courage to say!). PFLI is a worldwide apostolate of thousands of pharmacists, plus hundreds of other health professionals, pharmacy students, interns, pharmacy technicians, and the public, in the USA, Canada and worldwide. We are represented on all of the continents except Antarctica, with active regional coordinators in many states and nations.

Image is for display purposes only; actual brand of vitamins donated are generic equivalents

PFLI’s mission is to make pharmacy once again a life-saving profession, a mooring from which it has drifted. As part of this commitment, PFLI is actively involved in educating pharmacists, nurses, physicians and other health professionals; educating the general public; serving pregnancy care centers; providing an economical speakers bureau; providing pharmaceutical cognitive services and consulting services; offering a toll-free contact phone number; providing on-line Internet and e-mail services; and providing many other benefits for members and non-members, pharmacists, lay persons, and students.

PFLI was founded in Cleveland, OH by four pharmacists of conscience. PFLI’s founding statement from May 1984 states: “PFLI defends, upholds and protects the sanctity of all human life from conception to natural death, regardless of age, biological stage, handicap or place of residence.”

You can donate by clicking here….


Need to give Lenten alms? Help defend pro-life pharmacist family!

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You have read here and in other venues, the long and successful legal battle of the Storman family of pharmacies in WA state the past few years. they took on the abortoholic pols and won.

However, that has set them back around $140K in legal bills. This is a great way to give alms during Holy Lent, and help a stalwart pro-life family chain of pharmacies overcome the culture of death on the Left coast.

Stormans - Family of Pro-life Pharmacists

Fropm Pharmer’s blog a few weeks ago:

“The Stormans Family  has been battling the coercive leftist abortion supporters for YEARS, regarding their right to refuse to dispense certain types of birth control which have abortive mechanisms of action.  They won their case at home, but are being soaked for legal fees as their First Amendment case is being appealed to the 9th Circuit Court.  Read more about the appeal  at LifeNews.

“There’s a Go Fund Me campaign to help out this family, and allow them to stay true to their religious and ethical beliefs as they practice pro-life pharmacy.

“Please understand  that the primary drug in question, levonorgestrel, or Plan B One-Step is now an over the counter drug.  The entire environment of practice regarding this drug entity has changed while the Stormans legal battle has been going on.   In addition, it has been established that Plan B is ineffective for American women of average size. ( Learn more at the Chemical Abortion page of this blog.)  The pharmacists who refuse to dispense Plan B have effectively  been protecting these women from being sold a bogus “remedy”.  The point of continued legal persecution of this family is moot.

“Your friendly Pharmer is coughing up some $$$ to help the Stormans family, and invites you to do so too

Here’s where you can contibute too!

Child abuse: 609 girls <16 yo in N ireland given abortifacient rods

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In what can only be called child abuse of the worst kind, it has been revealed that at least 609 young girls under the age of 16 in N Ireland have been inserted with abortifacient progestin rods, often without parental knowledge or approval.

An 11-year-old is among more than 600 girls under the age of 16 in Northern Ireland given contraceptive implants in the last five years.

Rods inserted into the arm release hormones to stop egg production and prevent pregnancy.

While the age of consent is 16, parental consent for the treatment is not legally needed as long as young people are capable of understanding it.

Health trusts provided the figures to BBC Radio Ulster’s Nolan Show.

Overall, 609 under-16s received implants in the past five years, although one trust could only provide figures for last year:

  • In the Western Trust, 237 girls were treated (177 were aged 15; 48 were aged 14; 11 were aged 13 and one was aged 11)
  • Joint figures covering the Belfast and South Eastern trusts show 207 girls under 16 received the treatment (they say their data only additionally records under 14s, of which there were six 13-year-olds who were referred to follow-up sexual and reproductive health meetings)
  • In the Northern Trust, 150 under-16s were treated (the breakdown of girls’ ages was only available from 2012 – since then, 30 girls were aged 15; 21 were 14-years-old; and one was aged 13)
  • The Southern Trust could only provide figures for the past year: in total, 15 under 16s received the treatment (10 were aged 15; three were aged 14; and two were 13)

It is not clear what the personal circumstances are of the individual girls who were seeking treatment. It is unknown if the government, which is often complicit or promoting this child abuse, will investigate and/or prosecute these perps who destroy the innocence of young girls and subject them to class I carcinogens, as defined by the WHO.

Said long time bench researcher and philosopher professor Dr Dianne Irving, “What are the long term effects if a girl’s ovaries are hormonally prevented from producing ‘eggs’?  Would it eventually leave her infertile?  What if her ovaries do produced eggs and are fertilized? Presumably the hormones in these arm inserts prevent the new embryo still in the fallopian tube from implanting or kills it after implanting (abortifacient).  Where’s the data?  Human traffickers must love this.   Probably know how to insert [the rods] themselves.”

K of C has McAuliffe for grand marshal; priest cuts them out

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In a spectacularly courageous move, a Norfolk, VA priest has cut off his local affiliated Knights of Columbus council which has procured abortoholic Dem Gov Terry McAuliffe as the “grand marshal” of their upcoming St Patrick’s Day parade next week.

The council, working behind the back of the pastor and mendaciously stating they would remove McAuliffe from the parade, shows a continuin religious scnadal and cancer among many K of C councils that coddle and protect abortoholic and pro-sodomite politicians who claim to be “catholic”.

The priest consulted with the local ordinary before acting.

“Governor McAuliffe stands contrary to the Catholic Church in not one but many of the most essential teachings of the Church in the political arena,” the Norfolk pastor wrote in a March 5 letter to parishioners, distributed at Sunday Mass on March 8. “He himself promised to be a ‘brick wall’ against restrictions on abortion, has taken away commonsense protections for women in abortion facilities and lowered safety standards, and consistently takes money from pro-abortion lobbying groups.”

“Further, he not only favors the re-definition of marriage, he himself performed a gay ‘marriage’ as soon as a court overturned the law of the Commonwealth,” [ESH emphasis] Father Beeman wrote. “Marriage and Life are two of the foundational efforts of the Knights of Columbus as a national organization, so it is dumbfounding how the Knights could then decide to honor the Governor.”

Father Beeman was acting on the advice of Richmond Bishop Francis DiLorenzo in contacting the state council, he said, as well as in making the national office aware of the situation.

He had written the council last year at the request of one of the bishop’s vicars to request the committee keep the parade a non-political event and not honor any political candidate, office holder or former office holder above the city level.

MCAuliffe also led a delegation recently promoting closer ties to the communist dictatorship in Cuba.

New abortifacient IUD Liletta approved by FDA

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Liletta (levonorgestrel) Intrauterine Device – formerly Levosert

Company: Medicines360 and Actavis plc
Date of Approval: February 27, 2015
Treatment for: Contraception [abortifacient mechanism of action, chemically and mechanically]

Liletta (levonorgestrel) is a hormonal intrauterine device (IUD) for use by women to prevent pregnancy for up to three years. The basic mechanism of action is abortifacient by action of the progestin levonorgestrel–which is poor at supressing ovulation–and the mechanical irritation of the endometrium after junior has been conceived and implanted in the womb.

Liletta FDA Approval History

WAGS allowed to fire pharms who are “uncomfortable”

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Pharmacist Steve, he of blogging phame, poses several questions that go to the heart of the totally necessary rights of conscience for pharmacists and all health care professionals as the left wing death machine tightens its grips on who will live, who will die and who will be allowed to earn a living when they resist this evil:

From his blog last Saturday 2/21/15, ESH emphasis on the abortifacient Plan B:

“Can you imagine this… WALGREENS cannot tell a Pharmacist to fill or not fill a control Rx that they are not comfortable with…but.. WALGREENS have fired Pharmacists who are “not comfortable” providing vaccinations or Plan B ..

“Does this suggest that Walgreens does have some influence over what prescriptions/products Pharmacists are allowed to fill or decline.. and since the above two categories do not include controlled meds.. would suggest that pts who have a medical necessity for controlled meds are being discriminated against?”







Pharmacist Steve asks the same question that pharmacists with a conscience have been asking and demanding for well now 30 years, those who will not participate in the killing machine of the omnipotent, godless secular state, driven by freemasonic thinking, in killing innocent preborns, or elderly ill patients. They are all patients, all with lives that intrinsically matter and are beyond any demands of life and death that can be made by the death squads of the present Regime, or any subsequent regime.

WAGS started their firing spree of pharmacists with a conscience almost 10 yrs ago in their hometown of Chicago, at the behest of now imprisoned Rod “Slobodan” Blagojevich, he who had a law passed, and overturned several times, that violated pharmacist rights of conscience and principles of freedom of religion under both IL and US constitutions.


Has WAGS not learned its lesson yet? Will they continue to be bad actors now that they have bought UK based Boots so they can avoid paying US taxes? Can pharmacists make professional judgment decisions, but yet fill any order placed before them, something one could arguably train a monkey to do?