
Ghouls violate law selling baby parts without mothers’ consent

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It’s a sick, sick world in the land of soulless ghouls involved in Abortoholism, where they violate multiple laws, rip babies from their mothers’ wombs and sell the body parts like chattel.

There’s hue and outcry over Cecil the Lion, who’s fatherless cub was killed now by a rival male lion. But none for the millions of babies shred and sold like a slave at the market. The dripping hypocrisy of the left is telling and will leave many to be judged and judged harshly by the Pantocrator in due time.

Here’s the 6th and latest video from the Center for Medical Progress on #KlanBarrenhood and their gruesome continuing satanic story:

ESH strongly encourages all readers to join enmasse to #DefundKlanBarrenhood. #PPSellsBabyParts.

The big national rally protest against #KlanBarrenhood will be Saturday, August 22.  People will be participating in over 180 cities.

Do try to join in your locale. For more info, see here….

More trouble for Bubba and the Hill beast?

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More trouble for Bubba and his charming wife, Hill the Beast?


Looks as if her old law firm partner, Webster Hubbell, may be Chelsea’s biological father, rather than Bubba.…could be disaster for her campaign for prez…and here ESH thought Bubba’s trouble may be all those profiles hacked ON Ashley Madison’s website….whew!

Springtime Update: Legal immigrant priests need apply

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The great Springtime of Renewal promoted non stop by the modernist neocon Catholics, including all the way to the top, continues to sputter, falter and show continued signs of regression, not progression.

To think otherwise is to have the same psychiatric delusions of say, a Caitlyn Jenner.  Just cause you want it don’t mean it will be so. If that were true, ESH would be the King of France. Yet we all know Hollande and his socialist friends won’t let ESH run things in Paris.

Read and weep. The Church in Amerikka is, and has been, missionary ground, if only the collegial conciliar fanatics would only have the same zeal for forming new vocations as they do for, say, ecumania and statements on the environment which they prefer to worship, rather than the Creator of that environment. Leaving them standing much as the profane, secular world that masonically worships man rather than the One, Triune God.

So Amerikka will import priests from Africa and Asia, if any remain after ISIS murdering ways. And some from places such as Poland, ravaged for decades by godless atheistic communism, now reeling as the West does from materialism, the flip side of communism.

On a positive note, despite the hostilities by the conciliar church leaders to conversion, a number of protestants (including former “ministers”) are making their way into the One True Church of Christ, several of them via the Byzantine and other Eastern Rites, where more sanity has prevailed since the revolution of Vatican II. But even there, all is not well. Ten years ago the Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostum–the Mass of the Byzantine Rites–changed the millenial Nicene Creed to remove that long time bogey man of the Orthodox world, the filioque, conceding that the Holy Ghost proceeds from only the Father.

Only in the Traditional Rites does one see growth in vocations since the 1960s. One example: St Thomas Aquinas Seminary is bursting at the seems so much, that the SSPX is poised to open a new huge seminary in rural Virginia, moving that operation from Winona, MN where it has been for almost 30 yrs because they just cannot hold all the young men seeking a solid orthodox training and the insurmountable obstacle to heresy found in the Tridentine Rite Holy Mass. It’s getting hard for the dicosese of Richmond, VA to ignore them anymore.

In Pittsburgh, the SSPX took back once Catholic Sts James Church in the city’s West End right from under the nose of Bishop Zubik, after the diocese closed it in 2004. Zubik’s “inclusive” response was nothing short of a woman scorned with a fury reserved only to the faithful of Christ’s only True Church.

So much mercy, so much caring, sharing and “new evangeliszation” examples adorn these remains of the Novus Ordo’s “square earth society”.

Fr Nicholas Gruner, +Requiescat in Pace

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Please pray for the repose of the soul of this saintly priest who took his vows quite seriously, and worked tirelessly–at the cost of much calumny and vituperation against his person–for the Message of Our Lady of Fatima of repentance and conversion, and the still-to-be-performed consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by the Holy Father in unison with all the world’s bishops at the same time.

He never enriched himself from his aposolate and lived ascetically by today’s materialistic standards by many religious.
He was devoted to the Immemorial Tridentine Rite Mass as he progressed in years.  He was fearless against attacks by enemies of the Faith, the Church and Our Lady, to Whom he was assiduously devoted.

ESH was fortunate to meet Fr Gruner several times, either at his own Center’s conferences or at one of the many times he spoke at Human Life International conferences.

Requiescat in pace!

Catholic Family News

from Catholic Family News editor John Vennari…

Father Nicholas Gruner
Requiescat in pace

By now you probably heard about the sudden death of Father Nicholas Gruner. He died of an apparent heart attack on April 29 around 7:00 pm while working at his office in Fort Erie.

Father Gruner was truly the world expert on Fatima. I can say this as one who worked closely with him for over 20 years. He was more knowledgeable on this subject, and on the true nature of the Fatima Message than anyone else. His devotion to Our Lady was strong and genuine.

Please remember Father Gruner in your prayers, a good personal friend and true Catholic Crusader.

In the Immaculate Heart,

John Vennari

Below is the announcement from the Fatima Center:

Rest in Peace
Father Nicholas Gruner

May 4, 1942 — April 29, 2015

The Management Team of the Fatima Center sadly announces the death of Father Nicholas Gruner, who passed away suddenly this evening.

Father died at his office, working to his last breath on the goals to which he dedicated his 38 years in the priesthood — the promotion of the Message of Fatima, especially the release of the full Third Secret and the Consecration of Russia to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart.

Details concerning the wake/visitation and funeral for Father will be announced in the upcoming days. For now, in your charity, please pray for Father and for his Apostolate, which will continue to seek to bring his life’s work to a successful conclusion.

Please click here for both video and information on funeral…
(Funeral Mass to be held in Niagara Falls this Saturday)

It make take another 10 years: Imposing THEIR immorality on you

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We all know from expeirence in the abortion wars, that the abortoholics–those lovers of killing innocent preborn babies with glee but recoiling at, say, killing a caribou to survive–have wanted to impose THEIR immorality on the rest of normal, life loving everyday folks.

They did so in 1973 with the twin abortion decisions of Roe v Wade and Doe v Bolton. They did so with the 1963 Griswold v Connecticut “contraceptive” decision. And with many other lawsuits, to many to mention.

With Obamacare, socialized medicine, they want to ram “contraception” and abortion down everyone’s throat, to like it, AND to pay for it. Without apologies. Although some of those impositions are being rolled back–5 decisions now have upheld conscience religious rights of employers and others–many have not. And that doesn’t include at least 38 instances where the Kenyan kommie has rewritten Obamacare rules on his own, by fiat, by his diktat.

Count on it soon: as part of the Kenyan kommie’s war on Christianity and life, it will soon be mandated: kill or get out of pharmacy or medicine. Period.

See here to get an idea where this is heading. It’s parallel twin evil is making sodomites mainstream, loveless sewer “luv” without the requisite propagation of human life as happens with normal marriage within the institution meant only for one man, one woman.

We can look to a famous propagandist for his view on rights of conscience for health professionals:

Will feds force lesbo bakers to make cakes for anti-gays?

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That’s the logical extension of the way the sodomites and the lobby on the left want to force down the throats of say, Menories Pizza in Indiana.

The faux left narrative of everyone who disagrees with the sewer pervert lifestyle is a hater has been overtly proven as false. Except to those with the mental disease of liberalism. But take heart! Economical relief is on the way as Abilify will have a generic competitor (actually at least 5 of them) come Apr 20th.

Pharmer says it succinctly this morning:

“Conservatives should keep in mind that the media charade surrounding the Indiana RFRA is a bogus thing, coming mostly from the leftist democrats.  It’s a tool to make conservative voters lose respect for republican wimps, and stay home from the elections.   The militant/intolerant Gaystapo, so prominently celebrated by the media,  is a relatively small group.”

And don’t forget ESH’s insight that the above is driven by the freemasons with their little plots hatched in the lodges. No wonder they miss NFL games and the Final Four championship.

You can read the rest of her insights here…

Clintonista threaten drive by media Soviet-style

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Polarizing, calculating, disingenuous, insincere, ambitious, inevitable, entitled, over confident...

There…ESH has called Hilary the Horrible all that and a bag of chips!

The Clintonista handlers have threatened the leftist NY Times and other drive by state run media with the worst of deaths if they use these words. Soviet-style. It would make the mafia blush.


This is how leftists work, trying to supress free speech and the markeplace of ideas and opinions for those who would dare to disagree with them over the Benghazi killer. The Whitewater queen. The handler of Bimbo eruptions. She, who has selective memories when they are discomforting. Who took off from the White House in 2001 with thousands of dollars of furniture paid for by the sucker American taxpayer.

“We will be watching, reading, listening and protesting coded sexism,” the pro-Hillary group HRC Super Volunteers warned The New York Times’ Amy Chozick Wednesday.

HRC Super Volunteers have been laying in wait for Clinton to announce her long anticipated, not so secret candidacy for Prez, with one organizer of the independent group boasting to colleagues that “our supervols tended to be more loyal to HRC than hired staff who worried about getting a job after the campaign. I think back to the staff party in Denver when me, Ahmed, and another top vol were the only ones with Hillary buttons.”

On gard! Be prepared for the HRC war on womyn!

Child abuse: 609 girls <16 yo in N ireland given abortifacient rods

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In what can only be called child abuse of the worst kind, it has been revealed that at least 609 young girls under the age of 16 in N Ireland have been inserted with abortifacient progestin rods, often without parental knowledge or approval.

An 11-year-old is among more than 600 girls under the age of 16 in Northern Ireland given contraceptive implants in the last five years.

Rods inserted into the arm release hormones to stop egg production and prevent pregnancy.

While the age of consent is 16, parental consent for the treatment is not legally needed as long as young people are capable of understanding it.

Health trusts provided the figures to BBC Radio Ulster’s Nolan Show.

Overall, 609 under-16s received implants in the past five years, although one trust could only provide figures for last year:

  • In the Western Trust, 237 girls were treated (177 were aged 15; 48 were aged 14; 11 were aged 13 and one was aged 11)
  • Joint figures covering the Belfast and South Eastern trusts show 207 girls under 16 received the treatment (they say their data only additionally records under 14s, of which there were six 13-year-olds who were referred to follow-up sexual and reproductive health meetings)
  • In the Northern Trust, 150 under-16s were treated (the breakdown of girls’ ages was only available from 2012 – since then, 30 girls were aged 15; 21 were 14-years-old; and one was aged 13)
  • The Southern Trust could only provide figures for the past year: in total, 15 under 16s received the treatment (10 were aged 15; three were aged 14; and two were 13)

It is not clear what the personal circumstances are of the individual girls who were seeking treatment. It is unknown if the government, which is often complicit or promoting this child abuse, will investigate and/or prosecute these perps who destroy the innocence of young girls and subject them to class I carcinogens, as defined by the WHO.

Said long time bench researcher and philosopher professor Dr Dianne Irving, “What are the long term effects if a girl’s ovaries are hormonally prevented from producing ‘eggs’?  Would it eventually leave her infertile?  What if her ovaries do produced eggs and are fertilized? Presumably the hormones in these arm inserts prevent the new embryo still in the fallopian tube from implanting or kills it after implanting (abortifacient).  Where’s the data?  Human traffickers must love this.   Probably know how to insert [the rods] themselves.”

Loyal priest exposes sodomites, persecuted by bishop for whistleblowing

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Father Haley, a priest in the diocese of Arlington, VA, has been permanently suspended by Bishop Paul Loverde for testifying in a legal deposition about the immoral practices of his fellow diocesan clergy. In a formal notice to Haley, given on October 28, 2002, Bishop Loverde stated that Haley was guilty of violating an order for him not to publicize priestly wrongdoing in order “to avoid scandal, to maintain ecclesiastical discipline and to protect the reputation and privacy of both the faithful and priests of this diocese.” [As quoted in The Washington Times, November 13, 2002.]

In fact Father Haley never went public with any of his incriminating information. For years he went privately to Bishop Loverde, not just with his complaints, but with indisputable evidence of clergy immorality in his diocese. Bishop Loverde’s reference to Haley “publicizing priestly wrongdoing” concerns deposition testimony given by Father Haley pursuant to a law suit brought against Bishop Loverde and his diocese by a parishioner, James Lambert. The suit alleged diocesan negligence in failing to remove an obviously unfit priest who had given public scandal for years.   [The lawsuit was eventually dismissed for failing to comply with the statute of limitations.]

Having exposed the perverted sodomites of the lavendar mafia , now he must suffer in virtual silence. Pray for this courageous priests, and all proests, that they may faithfully discharge their duties and vows.

K of C has McAuliffe for grand marshal; priest cuts them out

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In a spectacularly courageous move, a Norfolk, VA priest has cut off his local affiliated Knights of Columbus council which has procured abortoholic Dem Gov Terry McAuliffe as the “grand marshal” of their upcoming St Patrick’s Day parade next week.

The council, working behind the back of the pastor and mendaciously stating they would remove McAuliffe from the parade, shows a continuin religious scnadal and cancer among many K of C councils that coddle and protect abortoholic and pro-sodomite politicians who claim to be “catholic”.

The priest consulted with the local ordinary before acting.

“Governor McAuliffe stands contrary to the Catholic Church in not one but many of the most essential teachings of the Church in the political arena,” the Norfolk pastor wrote in a March 5 letter to parishioners, distributed at Sunday Mass on March 8. “He himself promised to be a ‘brick wall’ against restrictions on abortion, has taken away commonsense protections for women in abortion facilities and lowered safety standards, and consistently takes money from pro-abortion lobbying groups.”

“Further, he not only favors the re-definition of marriage, he himself performed a gay ‘marriage’ as soon as a court overturned the law of the Commonwealth,” [ESH emphasis] Father Beeman wrote. “Marriage and Life are two of the foundational efforts of the Knights of Columbus as a national organization, so it is dumbfounding how the Knights could then decide to honor the Governor.”

Father Beeman was acting on the advice of Richmond Bishop Francis DiLorenzo in contacting the state council, he said, as well as in making the national office aware of the situation.

He had written the council last year at the request of one of the bishop’s vicars to request the committee keep the parade a non-political event and not honor any political candidate, office holder or former office holder above the city level.

MCAuliffe also led a delegation recently promoting closer ties to the communist dictatorship in Cuba.

US to have 1st Ambassador of Sodomy

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And when will the bishop(s) who is/are spiritually in charge of the souls in Washington, DC or Boston, MA (the two regular domiciles of US Secy of State John Kerry) act in a manner called upon his/their office, and publicly rebuke apostates like Kerry and other “catholic” politicians, much less allow them to create scandal and receive Holy Communion in patently sacreligious conditions? That would be Cardinal “Donna” Weurl and Cardinal Sean O’Malley, respectively.

Here’s the quote from the story reporting that the US will be the first nation to have an ambassador of sodomy, promoting this sewer mortal sin activity on an international scale:

“In a press release, the US State Department said Randy Berry, an openly homosexual [sodomite] diplomat, will be its special envoy to promote homosexual rights (sic). State Department Secretary John Kerry said, ‘We’re working to  

overturn laws that criminalize consensual same-sex conduct in countries around the world.’ ”


Of course, sane people who adhere to any semblance of Christian morality know that evil has no rights, and sodomite acts are in and of themselves emanating from the will and inherently disordered and sinful.

ESH calls & prays for the next president in 2016 to remove this “position” which advances the prince of this world and his efforts to drag souls down to hell with him. Please do the same, dear reader.

Francis and his false dichotomy

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Pope Francis was at it again last Sunday, using the gospel of Jesus healing the leper to once again beat down those who see the mercy of Christ AND the need for repentance and conversion. Not the “either/or” false dichotomy of the Pope. He did so at the Sunday consistory for a number of cardinals.

He dwells long and hard with laying out more and more his social justice church of “mercy” that throws off the commandments required by its Founder.

The Bergoglio Cardinal Gang of Eight

Read here from the Remnant on this excellent insight into the contradictory psyche of Francis and his Newchurch.

The conclusion from the author is chilling:

“The gravity of this looming crisis cannot be overstated. If this proposal is adopted, it will be more far-reaching than any other of the post-Conciliar manipulations like Communion in the hand or altar girls. This will strike, in one blow, against the very pillars of the Faith: the Eucharist and the priesthood. The Eucharist, the presence of which was barely preserved in the New Mass, will be systematically desecrated. And those who will be expected to do the desecrating will be the priests, who will certainly be punished if they refuse.

“It will also put paid to whatever hopes we have of restoring the Faith by the work of an up-and-coming young faithful priesthood, since only men who have demonstrated their willingness to desecrate the Holy Eucharist will be considered suitable for the seminary.”

ESH sees more and more the program of anti-Christ and anti-God freemasonry infection within the highest levels of the Bride of Christ infecting it thoroughly from the top on down. They need not overtake the Church when they have someone who thinks as they do at the helm.

Matt: Fry the sodomite spews his atheist religion hate

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Listen to Michael Matt, editor and publisher of The Remnant, discuss the pedantics of Hobbit star, Stephen Fry,  as the latterblasphemes God and proudly proclaims his faith in dogmatic atheism.Fry also played the British psychologist on the zfox series Bones.

Michael Matt uses Adam, Eve, Genesis and Bono to answer Fry and challenge de facto false religions such as atheism and evolution. He discusses the issue with Catholic pro-life attorney Chris Ferrara.

Fry, 57, recently “married” his 27 yr old homosexual lover in sodomite bliss. After a troubled childhood and adolescence, during which he was expelled from two schools and spent three months in prison, Fry went into acting.

Like most Brit thespians, he likes to make his fortune in the USA–while attacking its success story for millions–with its more favorable tax structure and opportunities vs the 55% income tax rate in dreary England.

Don’t you think it’s time Catholics got serious about the heresy of Darwinian Evolution? And ship back British actors so American aspiring entertainers can procure jobs in movies, TV and radio as is rightfully theirs?

IU students vote for sodomy and lower colon over good Chick’n

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Leave it to looney left millenials to pick sodomy and the lower colon contents over some good chick’n , with comical cows in the ads and all:

Indiana University Students Vote NO Against ‘Hateful’ Chick-fil-A

Chick-fil-A’s slogan is “Eat Mor Chickin” but intolerant, bigoted students at Indiana University (Bloomington campus) voted “no” to more chicken based on concerns over the company’s views on same-sex marriage and other sodomite perverted so-called “LGBT” issues. The Chick-fil-A franchise at the Wells Library location

ESH has eaten at the counter of Chick-Fil-A quite a number of times and found it not wanting, but rather much more tasty than the alternatives of the IU brainless students, preoccupied with the incorrect intended use of the lower alimentary canal.
Pray that they may be given some wisdom and chastity before graduating, after all, they may come working for you or , gulp, on you!

Pope piles on large families, throws faithful under bus again

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Acting more like a secular commentator from Klan Parenthood than as the Vicar of Christ defending the Church’s traditional teachings on the family, especially in the area of fundity, Pope Francis went to his “off the cuff” mode during his flight home to Rome from the Philippines this weekend.

He reportedly had a long discussion with reporters on matters of contraception and large families.

His reported comments are at huge odds with those of say, Blessed Pope Pius XII, who often spoke on the matter using his ordinary magisterium, rather than “off the cuff”. ESH can count on the ‘splainers and helpy helpertons trotting out again to explain to us nincompoops how we misunderstood the Pope and how the secular media, whom he seems to revel in, misreported what he said “off the cuff”, not using his teaching office.

We’ve hear this tactic so often from the ‘splainers, helpy helpertons and the neocon Catholics, that it is quite tiresome and ineffective.

Really, insulting large families that value the unitive and procreative aspects of the conjugal act? Rather than contracept or abort their new babies away like the rest of the declining, post-Christian West? He said he wanted to kick some Argentinians in the butt over the matter when he was Archbishop there…will God do the same Holy Father with those who cause such grave scandal and betrayal of sacrificing large Catholic families? Shall they ingest potent steroids to chemically abort those babies you may find inconvenient, like the rest of the pagan godless West?

The truth is, Pope Francis, yet again, threw those most loyal and faithful to Christ, His Church and the Holy Father, under the bus rather than impart the truths–even the hard ones–to the unbelieving media and the masses of unbelievers, heretics, schismatics and pagans of the world.

For your review:

Blessed Pope Pius XII on large families…

Pope Francis on large families…

You’re not helping, even with six callers ahead of you, Jorge!



#Je suis got it wrong

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From the “wish I had said it first” department, an excellent brief summary of the problem of the “Jes suis Charlie” robots who defend anything said about anyone, anytime. Truth is, blasphemies against the Son of God, and His Ever Virgin Mother are never defended by the leftist secular drive by media, here and abroad. Too bad the Pope did not defend the founder of the Church of which he is vicar on earth, and His Mother, with the alacrity with which he dispenses of his Traditionalist nemeses in the Church as neo-pelagians and other insults.

For whom does the bell toll?

One million demonstrators in Paris on January 11, 2015, chanted the slogan, “Je suis Charlie,”—“I am Charlie,” while brandishing a pen, which has become the symbol of assassinated freedom of expression; this is the official, unanimously agreed-on version of the media outlets and the political parties. But in reality, when you know what the satirical publication Charlie Hebdo really is, you would have had to attribute to each of those demonstrators the following sentiments: I am in favor of anarchy and sacrilege, like the cartoonists who depicted the Blessed Virgin in an obscene manner in their Christmas issue; I am a nihilist and a blasphemer like those who, a few years ago, drew two recycling bins with the caption, “This is my body” and “This is my blood,” or more recently showed a condom in the form of a Host.

On January 7, the day of the attack, Pope Francis declared that it was imperative to “oppose hatred and all forms of violence, which destroys human life, violates the dignity of the human person, and radically undermines the fundamental good of peaceful coexistence among persons and peoples, beyond differences of nationality, religion and culture.” And Bishop Stanislas Lalanne of the Diocese of Pontoise, and Bishop Pascal Delannoy of the Diocese of Saint-Denis were the official representatives of the Church at the January 11 demonstration. During that time, one of the surviving cartoonists of Charlie Hebdo said that he “puked on those who, suddenly, say that they are our friends,” and added ironically: “We have lots of new friends, like the Pope, Queen Elizabeth or Putin: that makes me laugh.”

On January 8 at noon, in the rain, Notre Dame Cathedral sounded the death knell. For whom did that bell toll?

–Father Alain Lorans

Curious Case of sodomite Urrutigoity continues, part VI

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More updates on the curious case of known sodomite, pervert, pederast and pedophile Carlos Urrutigoity and his escapades across Pennsylvania/North American as well as South America.

This is the sixth in a series of posts on the Urrutigoity case. Read the first part here, the second here, the third here, the fourth here, and the fifth here.

This comes in a series done in an uncommon place, Commonweal, known more for its liberal “catholicism” than for anything else, usually sympathetic to the perverted sodomite cancer within the bosom of the  Church.

In one section, after plying his targets with alcohol and smokes, “Urrutigoity would not allow John to use the SSJ’s car to attend AA meetings in town. “Fr. U. flatly forbade me,” John testified. ‘He said I didn’t need them…that it [AA] was full of crap.'”

Read the shocking story that, even as told, allows the perp to roam freely in South America.

Commies 2, USA 0

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The commies of the world showed everyone they still have some firepower, comrade!

The Kenyan kommie handed communist dictators in Cuba a huge PR victory at no cost to them and lots of cost to the USA yesterday, declaring he’s opening up trade and travel with the anti-capitalist running dogs. It is the will of the people. The Kenyan kommie said so! We can’t do things the same way and expect a different result. Really?

What do you call the same playbook the Dems and the left run to at every election. Oh, BTW, how did that work for ya in the Nov 2014 elections, Barrie? If the Castro bros hold a Liberation Theology Mass, presided by Pope Francis, and the Kenyan kommie is made altar BOY/valet, is that racist?

The poor, squashed citizens of Cuba got nothing in the deal and ther lot will remain piss poor, the same as it has since 1959 when Fidel’s commies overthrew Batista and nationalized most private property including casinos and the like held by the Mob. They have long memories, Dear Leader.

Poor Rubio and Cruz are really ticked off, rightly so. Let’s see if they make something of blocking this in the new Congress come Jan 2015.

The Sony capitulation involves a seedier backstory but is no less disturbing in terms of its meaning for fundamental rights, particularly the rights of free speech and private ownership of property.

Sony’s planned release of “The Interview” clearly caught the attention of North Korea’s psychotic despot dictator, Kim Jong Un.

Mr Rogan, tear down this screen! And so Sony did. Guess it’ll always be Sony in Pyongyang Now! So much about “courage” and “bravery” to discuss now at the Awards, especially after all these displays of raw cowardice.

Francis: more War on Tradition

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The Francis effect is now quite well known in the Catholic world, and elsewhere. It is the ongoing, incessant War on Tradition, the Mass of All Times, sanctity and conversely, the elevating of all that is contrary to the faith and right reason, in the muddy quadmire of personal sin, or that has been anathemitized as heretical and schismatic.

Louie Verrecchio deals with it this past week in the “diminished and distorted Christ” in the modernist quasi-masonic world of Francis, full of clown noses and beach balls on the same altar where the perfect and  immaculate sacrifice re-enactment of Calvary occurs.

Full of attacks on those who wish to be most faithful and pious in their fealty to Christ and His Spotless Bride the Church, yet nothing but luv, luv, luv for those who despise Christ and His bride with lives thrown into divorce, remarriage, cohabitation, contraception, abortion, sodomy and so on.

Louie quotes Cardinal Rodriguez and says:

The function of the hierarchy is redefined in reference to Jesus as Suffering Servant, not as “Pantocrator” (lord and emperor of this world); only from the perspective of someone crucified by the powers of this world it is possible to found, and to explain, the authority of the Church.


Pope Francis, apparently, has great difficulty reconciling humble service with the majestic dignity inherent to kingly authority, as if the two are mutually exclusive.

In truth, Christ the King is the perfect synthesis of these attributes; even as those who act in His person as priests, bishops and ultimately as His Vicar (the Sovereign Roman Pontiff) are at times persecuted in this world by those who reject Him.

And yet, Pope Francis can only seem to imagine that he is Vicar of a Christ who is servant alone, apart from being the King who reigns over all men and all nations. Thus is his Christology, and likewise his understanding of his own office, rendered “diminished and distorted.”

And always to be defended by the Neo-Catholics with a brutalness previously reserved only for those against the One, True Faith, bordering on a dictatorship of the proletariat-esqueness, with zero tolerance and hate-filled invective. No one is to be burned at the stake except Trads!

How true!