Chicago pervert abuse docs to drop…

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There will be a big document drop of more sewer activities of the homosexual-pederast perverts in the Chicago archdiocese, according to an episcopal letter to parishes yesterday, ESH has learned.

Cardinal Francis George  |  Michael Jarecki/For Sun-Times Media

Trying to minimize damage and financials impact, Cardinal George’s letter makes it seem it was his idea to do the dump, sans redacted victim (and other) names. In fact, SNAP and victims’ lawsuits brought on the sudden duh moment for his excellency.

And it seems, most of the info would be centered around pervert criminal defrocked “Father” Dan McCormick [no relation to the spices or crop reaper folks, one guesses]. Nor should he be confused with two other McCormicks who were charged with sex abuse and rape, one an Andrew (Philadelphia scandal) and the other a Richard (Boston Salesian scandal).

Said SNAP attorney Jeff Anderson of Minneapolis:

“Instead of taking this opportunity to reflect on his own role and those of the other officials and their failures, he’s being defensive.”

Anderson said George also failed to give “credit to the courage of the survivors” in compelling the document release. “He makes it looks like this is something he’s doing and in fact it is the survivors that have effectively forced this through litigation and negotiation.”

Here’s Daniel McCormick, the perp perv in the Chicago case:

Dude, like, you’re gonna need someone more connected than, like, Lockhart & Gardner, like, you know what I mean? Even the lefties and sodomite libs in murderous and hating Chicago got no tears for perverts.


One thought on “Chicago pervert abuse docs to drop…

    Doody, Dennis said:
    January 13, 2014 at 12:15

    This is a very bad thing and of course for the victims and their families. I suppose these cases go back many, many years. Think of the spiritual and psychological damage to all these poor souls. This also happened in Ireland both regarding the nuns as well as priests. Noe the Catholic population over in Ireland is in decline. I just pray for all the people involved. We have to pray that these clergy (bishops and priests) and nuns repent.

    Sent from my iPad

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