Zero hour in Albuquerque…

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Lovers of baby slaughter are having conniptions today.

The town of Albuquerque, NM, which has come to be known as the nation’s capital of late term abortion baby murder, is voting today on a ballot initiative–initally blocked illegally by the town’s city council–to ban abortions after 20 weeks based on babies’ sensory pain during their own mutilation and dismemberment.

Live Action Films present Abortion Hotel Plaza Inn, Albuquerque

Live Action Films- What the Southwestern Women's Center Counselor tells women to do at the hotel

It also seems the local Plaza Inn no-tell-motel has a sweetheart referral deal from the local baby killing center, the so-called Southwestern Women’s Option abortion mill.

An update from Pharmer yesterday sez:

“Live Action Films has done an expose  of the close relationship that the Plaza Inn  in Albuquerque, NM has with the Southwestern Women’s Options. Plaza Hotel offers discount rates and transportation and is helping to bring late term abortion tourism to Albuquerque, NM.

“Wichita, KS had been the late term abortion capitol of the U.S. until George Tiller was unnaturally caused to meet the same fate as his almost-born patients. Since New Mexico has no abortion restrictions, it was natural for late term abortionists to settle there.

“This film, CLICK IT HERE, features phone call inquiries to the abortion clinic and  to the Plaza hotel, juxtaposed with an earlier undercover visit to Southwestern Women’s Options.”

As Albuquerque citizens head to the polls for today’s historic abortion ban vote, Life Legal Defense Foundation is preparing to defend any legal challenges that may follow its passage.

The bill, labeled the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Ordinance, would ban abortions after 20 weeks, the point at which pre-born babies have be shown to feel pain.

Tom Ciesielska, an IL attorney, states Life Legal Defense Foundation is uniquely positioned to shepherd the ordinance through any legal proceedings, having already defended the act against an attempt by Albuquerque City Council to prevent the matter from being included on the ballot.


This ballot initiative could portend of a new weapon in battling abortion at the local level…pass similar restrictive laws in the one or 2 large cities in selective states that would–in effect–shut down a large portion of egregious baby killing at ANY stage. This would include the most frequent form of abortion–accounting for 75-80% of all US abortions–by chemical high dose steroids such as mifepristone, ella, Plan B, the Pill, Depo Provera, IUDs, Implanon, etc.

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