Month: July 2012

Romney trip successfully end in Poland…

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Despite what the drive by state run media may whine to you on the evening news, the recent foreign trip of Mitt Romney to Britain (ughh!), Israel and Poland was highly publicized and successful on many levels.

Today Romney aide Rick Gorka, of Polish descent, got into it with some drive bys when they were shouting at the holy memorial site dedicated to Pope John Paul II, himself of Polish descent.

Why a Catholic cannot also be a mason….

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Why a Catholic, in good standing, cannot also be a mason is a question that is often raised.  From Dr Dianne Irving, professor of philosophy, theology and a trained bench scientist who performed research for many years:

[“Note:  I know, “lots of good people out there in these organizations doing good things.”  But by far the majority are ignorant about and do not understand the higher dogmas (usually “secret”) and what they promote and teach.  Yet their work is supporting them.  Masonry is just one of such organizations.  In common, most of these organizations have existed for many years, even centuries (especially in the East and Middle East), and are ultimately grounded on ancient and post-Christian gnosticism — all of which are, among other things, very anti-Christian.

“They are all pagan polytheistic pantheistic MYTHS, with totally different “cosmologies” than ours, going back at least 5000 BC (the myth of Okeanus).   Look it up for yourself;  not new, not secret any more.

“In fact, if you know the universal symbols for gnosticism (used for communication among themselves for centuries), then you will quickly come to realize that gnosticism in multiple forms is drowning our cultures — all over the TV, Hollywood, plays, music, books, especially our kids materials.

“The current issues in genetic engineering, surrocacy, futurism, transhumanism, homosexuality, human embryo research, etc. are overtly grounded in gnosticism.  See Hans Jonas, The Gnostic Gospels;  St. Ireneus, Against the Gnostics (the Nicene Council was formed to address the mass of gnostic heresies in the early Church);  Hans Jonas’ article in Encyclopedia of Philosophy in Irving, “GNOSTICISM, the Heretical Gnostic Writings, and ‘Judas'” (April 9, 2006), at:

“For an interesting look at Masons, see article/podcast

Picture of Pope Leo XIII courtesy of Wikipedia“Similarly, many Popes, including Pope Leo XIII, have understood with crystal clarity the enormous damage caused by the gnostics for multiple centuries.

“Given the recent complaints about Catholics (e.g., Knights of Columbus, Jesuits) being members of the Masons, the following still-authoritative encyclical of Pope Leo XIII is instructive.

“Note that he was repeating the warnings of previous Popes – Clement XII in 1738, Benedict XIV in 1751, Pius VII in 1821, Leo XII in 1826, Pius VIII in 1829, Gregory XVI in 1832 and Pius IX in 1846 and 1865 and on four other occasions. After Leo XIII St. Pius X in 1911 confirmed this condemnation.

“Altogether, Leo XIII spoke out five different times against Freemasonry, but especially in the encyclical Humanum genus (copied in full below). All these Popes say that a Catholic cannot be a Mason. Time to wake up and call a spade a spade — the best kind of pastoralism.” — DNI]

Picture of Saint Michael courtesy of Chant ArtRead Humanum genus here…

Pope Leo XIII had a vision of hell during his papacy and from that experience composed the Prayer to St Michael, recited after all Masses from that time on (and at the end of the Rosary) until introduction of Pope Paul VI’s Novus Ordo Missae in 1969. The prayer continues to be read after the Tridentine Rite Mass where it is offered.

Catholic company wins injunction against HHS diktat…

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A Colorado company, Hercules Industries, owned by a Catholic family has won its first round in a fight against the illicit HHS diktat, ESH has learned. The US district judge issued a temporary injunction against the federal government as part of his ruling.

The Newlands, a Catholic family, argued that the controversial provision of the so-called “Affordable [sic] Care Act” violated their First Amendment rights by forcing them to purchase something that violates their consciences.

Attorneys for the O’Bama administration justified the mandate as part of the fight for so-called “sexual equality”, arguing it was a necessary part of “improving the health of women and children…so that women who choose to do so can be part of the workforce on an equal playing field with men.”

But Senior Judge John L Kane of the US District of Colorado ruled on Friday in Denver that the government’s interests, which he called into question, “are countered, and indeed outweighed, by the public interest in the free exercise of religion.”

Stay tuned for Round 2.

ESH supports Dave Burke, RPh for OH Senate District 26 re-election…

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ESH proudly announces support for the only pharmacist in the Ohio Senate, Dave Burke, R-26, Marysville.

Dave is also very pro-life and has a beautiful wife and children who support him strongly in his untiring efforts to restore sensibility and personal responsibility at the local level.

Here’s Dave out canvassing voters in Bellevue, OH recently.

Burke is vice-chairman of the senate Health, Human Services and Aging committee which considers bills such as the Pharmacist’s Conscience Clause. Burke has strongly indicated support for a Conscience Clause previously in his work as a state representative in the Ohio House. Dave was reared in Marion, OH and was adopted at a young age. He operates Dave’s Pharmacy with his pharmacist wife

ESH encourages other pharmacists and the lay public to support Dave in his fight to preserve our freedoms and a sane policy of government that is less intrusive in the personal and business lives of people while providing the essential services local government cannot by itself.

Vote for Dave Burke for re-election on Nov 6th if you are in his district. Contributions can be made at Dave’s website.

This endorsement was not done in any consultation with the candidate nor with his approval or authorization.

Woman dies of abortion in Chicago PP mill while mayor has chick’n hate campaign…

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Tonya Reaves killed by incomplete abortion, perforated uterus, and delay, documents say

Planned Parenthood delayed summoning emergency care for the dying woman for five-and-a-half hours after a botched abortion. Reaves died at a Klan Parenthood baby killing mill in Chicago, the first of two women who had to be hauled out of the same PP mill in the Loop district this week.

Meanwhile, Barrie Soetoro called for MORE tax $$$ to go to the largest domestic terrorist killing organization in the US, that’s right, PP.

His Chicago gangster mayor friend, Rahm Emmanuel, meanwhile called for more discrimination, hatred and intolerance for the 1st amendment rights of Dan Cathy, owner of Chick-Fil-A. Cathy’s had the temerity to support the biblical definition of marriage of one man to one woman, and not the disinformation being run out by the state run drive by media on the topic.

Maybe the Liliputian sized mayor should attend to all the gun killing violence and PP murders of babies in his city instead of trying to stop a legitimate, job-creating business trying to open stores in his God-foresaken city.

He ought to thank Cathy for trying to promote jobs and economic growth, without government taking over. On the positive side, he did warmly welcome Mohammedan racist “Calypso” Louie Farrakhan!

Commonwealth releases 2nd album: Emerald City Blues…

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ESH highly recommends you download a copy of the new CD released today, 27 Jul 2012, by the Commonwealth, one of Cleveland’s up and coming bands. They will debut the album tonight at the Beachland Club on Waterloo Rd on the city’s east side Collinwood neighborhood.

Emerald City Blues, by The Commonwealth

11 track album

I gotta hankerin’ for sum of that Chick-Fil-A chick’n!

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Eat at Chick-Fil-A today July 25 and next Wednesday Aug 1.

The hate-filled intolerant sodomites are going after Chick-Fil-A owner Mr Dan Cathy because he dared stated he supported the traditional marriage without being negative about the “alternative” from those confused how the human anatomy is supposed to work.

Remember, it was that same huge error that is sending Jerry Sandusky to jail for life and tearing apart the entire Penn State nation. Such is the outcome of perversion and when one violates the Divine and the Natural Law.

TAKE ACTION TODAY: Thank Mr. Cathy and Chick-fil-A (404-765-8000) for defending marriage as God intended it, and for standing up for biblical, Christian values.  Here is their online Contact Form:

Chick fil A Corporate Office | Headquarters
5200 Buffington Road, Atlanta, GA 30349

Phone: (404)765-8000 [you will reach a receptionist, who will then put you on hold to talk with a Chick-fil-A representative; it’s worth the wait to offer your heartfelt thanks for Dan Cathy’s stand!]

EAT at Chick-fil-A, but AVOID Chili’s & Maggiano’s Little Italy: Please make a special effort to patronize Chick-fil-A restaurants. 

(And don’t forget AFTAH’s call to boycott Chili’s and Maggiano’s Restaurants for supporting the radical so-called National Gay and Lesbian Task Force with their corporate dollars.)

ESH has a hankerin’ for sum of that Chick-Fil-A chick’n!

New CDF head gets tough with SSPX…

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New president of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), Archbishop Gerhard L Muller has decided to take a tough, hardline approach with the Church’s on going discussions of reconciliation with the fraternal Society of St Pius X. as reported by semi-official CNA news.

Muller has a history of questionable statements and actions–including questioning the perpetual virginity of Mary the Mother of God– contradicting the very teachings of the Church he now has been chosen to defend as head of the CDF. The prudence of the choice of Muller for the CDF has been questioned by the SSPX, and ESH thinks rightly so.

Muller also has questioned whether the total substance of the Body, Blood, Soul and divinity of Christ is present and at what moment, in the transubstantiated host during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

SSPX has never formally broken with Rome despite the mendacity of liberal modernist Catholics–the questionable and unjust “excommunications” of individuals associated with the 1988 consecrations of 4 priests by the late Archbishops Lefebvre and Castro de Meyer were nullified in any event by the motu proprio of Pope Benedict XVI in his July 2007 document totally freeing all Latin Rite priests to offer the Tridentine Rite Mass without any conditionals. In that same document, Summorum Pontificum, the Holy Father again specifically stated the Tridentine Rite has ALWAYS been licit and was NEVER abrogated by the Church or any pope.

In fact, the Bull Quo Primum by Pope St Pius V, a Dominican, in 1570 clearly stated priests of the Latin Rite had the RIGHT to pray this same form of the Mass in perpetuity and that it could NOT be taken away by any authority or person.


College students revolt…against contraceptive culture…

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In a very refreshing turn of events, a number of college aged students are revolting. Not against “the man” or their weary parents. Rather, against the doctrinaire contraceptive culture which brings man down and destroys our relationship with each other and–most importantly–with God.

ESH knows this is not something you’ll read about in the drive by state run media. But it is out there. And the growing list of young people turning away from the instrinsic evil of contaception and its destructive mentality–much of which is actually abortifacient by its chemical and pharmacological actions–leaves one with renewed hope.

There is hope for mankind through the Truth which sets one free, even if not found in decaying post-Christian Europe or the New World. The Social Kingship of Christ, the City of God will be built of such renewed hope.

The 1% are paying even MORE…

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With all the class warfare being foisted on the country during the upcoming Nov 6th elections, it seems two major facts have been repeatedly misreported by the drive by state run media and the left.

1) Incomes are NOT at an all time high for the so-called “rich”

2) The level of taxation is not at an all time low for those who are in the highest tax brackets. In fact the opposite has occurred according to the CBO:

Change in after-income tax (2007-2009)

Guess the O’Bama zombies will have to tell other fairy tales via their obedient minions in the press…



Do everyone a favor: stay away…

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Barrie Soetoro aka O’Bama says he plans to visit Aurora, CO in the wake of the horrific shooting spree there Thursday night during the Batman movie showing.

Do everyone a favor: stay away, O’Bama. It is your class warfare and your war on preborn babies and their mothers that has heavily contributed to the culture of death sociopath James Holmes finds himself marinating in daily.

When your abortoholic voting record and actions at various stages of your non-career have helped keep America immersed in a culture that makes war and kills its offspring in the womb with both scalpels and chemicals, eventually some of those children will turn around and make war on you.

Aurora, CO was one manifestation of that.

You’ve greatly contributed to murdering a full (minimum) one-third–that’s 33.33% for those of you in public school re-education camps–of Holmes’ generation.

Holmes has it wrong thinking he is the Joker character in the Batman series in his delusions of grandeur: O’Bama is he.

You tourists (still) stink!

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“Dingy” Harry Reid of Stoplight, NV and Nancy Frozen Face Pelosi, of SF, CA both have repeatedly whined and moaned for Mitt Romney to release multiple year tax returns. It’s part of the Dem chorus strategy to villanize Romney amongst the plebes.

Too bad Dingy Harry–who stated taxpayer visitors to the Taj Mahal Senate Visitors Bldg in DC “stink”–and Nancy, an apostate Catholic, don’t hold the same level of transparency for themselves.

Dingy Harry, Magnum Farce!

Both repeatedly refuse to release their tax returns along with most of Congress in both houses. Reid with his shady land deals in NV and Nancy with a paltry $5 million earned last year just in her Asian investments. Not to mention the poor proletariat workers at her SF area restaurants CANNOT join or form a union.

They are miffed how Mitt may spend his own earned cash but have no problem with how they and the Kenyan kommie spend the taxpayers trillions. Looks like “they stink”!



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A fraud and a phony, just like it’s purported owner. That’s the conclusion of the special posse commission conducted by AZ Sheriff Joe Arpaio on the veracity of the birth documents of the Kenyan kommie, Barrie Hussein Soetoro O’Bama.

His press conference yesterday revealed more definitive proof of the questionable eligibility requirements for president being met by the First Imposter. ‘Definitely fraudulent’ was his commission’s conclusion.

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio announces Tuesday, July 17, 2012, in Phoenix that President Obama's birth certificate, as presented by the White House in April 2011, is a forgery based on an investigation by the Sheriff's office. (AP Photo/Matt York)

Arpaio has been the target of legal harrassment by the DOJ and Eric Holder, who is under investigation himself for the gun running scandal known as “Fast and Furious”.


O’Bama DOJ, FBI bullying pro-lifers…

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O’Bama and his DOJ head, Eric Holder, have decided it’s time to harrass, intimidate and bully peaceful, non-violent pro-lifers and protestors, as famous nurse-author Jill Stanek reveals in her latest missive.

O’Bama and Holder would like nothing better than to limit the content of certain types of free speech including pro-lifers who defend the innocent preborn being shred in their mothers’ wombs or being assaulted with high dose, toxic and potent IED-like chemicals as they try to impant or grow nascent in or about utero.

Nothing like some red meat for the leftist, baby hating base. Read how the FBI visited Jill Stanek’s son-in-law recently and tried the old KGB iron fisted approach.

Just one more confirmation the most extremist, abortoholic president must be removed from office on Nov 6th.

Haggered and tomatoed, Hillary hears Monica’s name once more..

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So this is your so-called “Moslem spring”, eh Hillary? To be jeered with taunts of Egyptian Mohammedans shouting the name of Monica Lewinsky yet once again, and pelting your liberal limousine with tomatoes and the dreaded shoe [you know how Bush responded to a shoe in the face, right?].

Enjoy, before heading back to Bubba in DC or suburban NY or wherever he hangs his hat when the cat’s away.

$4B: Gates’ double down on brown wominfolk

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That’s $4 billion more reasons for the Gates’. They want to double down on the brown. wominfolk that is. All over the world. Their liberal bigotry and racist proclivities know no bounds. They see theirs as a noble cause.

Melinda Gates: the new Condom and Cancer-Inducing Queen

Injecting all those misguided poor brown women all over the world in 3rd World countries. With highly potent steroids such as Depo Provera. Saving them from having babies and families. As people are DNA-hard wired to do.Fulfilling them and their human purpose on this earth as they seek to work their way to their own salvation for the next world.

The leftist elitists know what’s good for you, so much better than you do huddled in your mud huts with babies at your breast. They can give you heaven on earth, since they believe in no god but themselves.

Inducing cancers. And tumors. And brittle bones.

Misguided. Miscreants. Elitist. Bigoted. Snobs.

Brother George Obama to debut in anti-Obama film..

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Living like “Slumdog Millionaire” is the way author, professor and now film maker Dinseh D’Souza puts his encounter with George Obama, the half-brother of Barrie O’Bama.

Hear it in his own words, as he lives in a ghetto hut in Kenya on several dollars a day, without any material assistance whatsoever from his marxist multi-millionaire half-brother:

Gates, UK plot to destroy more innocents…

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The Gates Foundation, run by pop controllers Bill and his apostate wife, are teaming up again with the UK against the tiniest and most defenseless of human beings, little zygotes and embryos at a London confab.

Sidebar: This dovetails will ESH’s perpetual peeve: Brits and those with a Brit accent taking up space and jobs in the US on our TV, movies and elsewhere, as if the US doesn’t have any arts grads.

Anyway, you get the picture. These cowards refuse to pick on someone their own size. Figures. Limousine liberal snob elites think they can depopulate the world of “unfit” babies. Not!

17 Billion reasons….

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There’s a definitive reason that Klan Parenthood, Melinda Gates, Big Pharma, the entire Left and all their minions in the drive by state media are always promoting sex outside marriage and the chemical onslaught by so-called “contraception”. They have 17 billions reasons. All in mucho dolleros.

In fact, most of this chemical pollution of the (mostly) female human body by highly potent steroids shows them to be often abortifacient. Many are abortifacient nearly 100% of the time. Plan B, ella, IUDs, Norplant and the like come to mind.


The Gates’ have contributed tens of millions of dollars to population control programs by the UN and others. Melinda Gates is hardly an official spokesman for the Catholic Church, to which she claims to belong. She may be a baptized Catholic but it is clear she is also a fallen away, apostate Catholic.

By engaging in an ongoing campaign of propaganda for abortifacient “contraception” she has like incurred automatic excommunication (laetae sententiae) with no need of an official pronunciation by her local ordinary. Although, the latter would show publicly some much needed clerical testicular fortitude and leadership.

Money’s the answer. What was your question?

Barrie O’Bama has a war on wominfolk & minorities…

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As can be relied upon, like the sun rising in the east, O’Bama’s marxist policies and croney capitalism has become a literal war on wominfolk and–pshaw!–minorities….seems the ladies and hyphenated Amerikans are less likely to be employed 4 years after an illegal alien who may not be a natural born citizen, assumed the office of the President.

Enjoy the gift, gals and gringos! The Regime’s war ends around Nov 6th or thereabouts…